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Dating Chronicles - Clingy Clive

**Details are accurate, but names are changed...unless you're a real jerk

Met Mr. Clingy through Match. He checked the height box, wasn't a smoker, had a somewhat interesting profile, and he was quick to respond when I reached out. He actually wanted to immediately initiate a call - to verify I was a real person, and honestly, could not fault him for that.

I was about to start my workout, so I sat in the parking lot for a few minutes and chatted with him. He wasn't into working out, but seemed to respect that I was - another check for me. We agreed to meet the next day; even confirming the morning of, that yes, we were still on to meet and location.

Since I was going to be in close proximity to my parents for our date, I decided to pop in for a visit with them. Shortly after arriving at my parents, my phone rings, and Mr. Clingy wanted to know I was still planning on meeting him. Since he didn't identify himself, and I didn't have his number saved, my question of "who is calling?" hurt his feelings a tad. And that...should have been my first clue.

As I'm visiting with my parents, he texted me to ask - honestly as this point could not tell you about what - but in my answer I let him know I was at my parents and would see him at 5pm, as agreed.

If you know me - you know how punctuality is a thing with me. Yep - mister let me bug you all day about meeting, was about 15 minutes late. UGH!

The conversation flowed and he had a interesting backstory. We ordered an appetizer - which he ate as a full meal - and with his mouth open. So yeah...yuck.

If a date is going well, I usually give it about 3 hours. When we were closing in on that mark, he asked if I would consider an exclusive relationship, alluded to helping him with his ABNB business, and wanted to come to my house the next day. Okay - time to go now. Nope - he wanted more time. Sorry - 3 hours is plenty. At parting he asked if I would call when I got home - I told him I would text to let him know I arrived safely. Which I did.

Then my phone rings. And this time, his number was saved.


"What are you doing?"

"I'm reading and decompressing."

"Can we talk?"

"No, sorry. I've had a lot of people time today and need my quiet time."

He hung up like a hurt puppy.

The next morning, he texted - way too early - asking if I had "thought about me at all". [insert blinky eyes]

I had to type and retype a response 2-3 times, so that I didn't come across too harsh, because obviously he gets his feelings hurt a little too easily.

I told him no I had not thought about him in any capacity other than the date. I had a nice time and was open to going out again and see where things go.

During the rest of that day, and over the course of the next several days, he text me multiple times, called, didn't respect my schedule - like literally, no boundaries.

Within 2 days he went from a potential prospect to someone I had to tell it wasn't going to work out - delete, unmatch and block.

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